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Arcademic Skill Builders

Um, hi.  Remember me?

Yeah, you know how on my last fourteen way spread out posts I said I was going to get better at blogging again?  Remember how I apologized for being random because it’d been so long since I’d blogged.  Yeah, I’m just going to give in and say that it ain’t gonna happen this year.  Nope!  There are many things on my plate right now, some of which I’ll share with you as soon as I can (promise!) and I’m just busy.  But, I went to a training with one Mr. Tim Shanahan a few weeks back and have been dying to share what I learned with you.  It was epic and life changing and all things Common Core reading.  But I’ve been a slacker.  Since I’m on spring break this week I am required by law to actually write you a decent post.  So that’s coming right up.  Sometime this week.  Or this weekend.  Maybe.  But soon, I swear!

In the meantime, I thought I’d share one of my favorite websites with you and link up for

Techy Teacher Tuesday with Queen of the First Grade Jungle

You probably already know this fun, FREE website, but just in case you don’t, I introduce you too….drumroll……
Arcademic Skill Builders!

Pardon the screen shot but they have their logo on lockdown and I couldn’t steal it.
Arcademic Skill Builders offers single-user and multi-user games practicing a variety of skills.  They have many options for math facts, but also some great grammar activities, and keyboarding practice.
I’ve used Verb Viper with my students since at least 2006.  Subject/verb agreement is just something students need practice with.  
All of the games are quick and easy to play with a mouse and a space bar.  And, new to me, they have apps- both for Android and for Apple.  Which means, if you are one of those lucky people who gets a bunch of technology in your classroom, they are free to download there as well.
You can check out their site by clicking on either picture, or you can see their complete game list here.
You can check out all of the other Techy Teacher Tuesday posts by clicking her cute button up on top or by clicking here.
Talk to you soon!


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