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Why your Kids Struggle with Word Problems and what to do sintead

Why Your Students Struggle with Word Problems

If you’ve been a teacher for any longer than a year, you know many of your kids struggle with word problems. And by many, it could be most of your kids. Or, it could be just a few but it happens every single year. You might have tried a variety of problem solving strategies with students. You might have found one you really like and think will be “it” but then still have a crew

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Building Phonemic Awareness through Phonics

Building Phonemic Awareness through Phonics: Phoneme-Grapheme Activities

Phonics and phonemic awareness are sometimes confused, likely because they are related. Phonemic awareness is the ability to hear and manipulate the sounds, phonemes, in words. You can read all about phonemic awareness in a dedicated post. Phonics is the relationship between the sounds of the spoken language and the letters and groups of letters, graphemes, of the written language. Phonemic awareness is critical for applying phonics skills. Students can learn and memorize graphemes, but if

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phonemic awareness activities

18 Non-Print Phonemic Awareness Activities for Early Readers

In continuing my posts on phonological awareness, we’re focusing on phonemic awareness activities. If you missed my posts on What is Phonological Awareness and What is Phonemic Awareness, you might find it helpful to begin there. All of the activities in this post are without letters/print. When working on beginning phonemic awareness tasks,  I believe it’s beneficial to do some practice without letters. The cognitive load required to do the phonemic awareness task and connect

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