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Classroom Storage Solution Odds & Ends with Bulletin Board letters cutouts

Classroom Storage: Odds & Ends

When I think of my struggles and frustrations from my first few years in the classroom, many of it revolved around all of the materials and resources I was accumulating and where the heck it was all supposed to go. My classroom storage has always been lacking, and there’s so much stuff. I tend to get behind and bogged down during the year and just throw things in places for a quick fix.  Then I

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Calendar in the Primary Classroom

Classroom calendars used to be commonplace in nearly every first grade classroom, and even a lot of second grade classrooms.  As the push for standards accountability has grown, I’ve noticed fewer and fewer teachers implementing calendar in their classrooms because the “standards” don’t “dictate” it. Or, because they just are feeling the time crunch and with the struggle to fit everything in, calendar has been cut. My classroom calendar is the single biggest tool for

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Let’s Get Organized

This is my second year in third grade, and my first year in this classroom.  I think as common in any new building and grade level, you are constantly reworking your organization systems to find what works best for you and for your physical space.  After receiving some office supplies from Shoplet, and motivation from the growing hours of sunshine each day, I’ve started reworking some of my storage solutions and I thought I’d share

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Erasable Office Supplies

If there’s one thing that makes teachers happy it’s new office supplies.  When I saw these from Shoplet I knew I wanted to check them out!  I was not let down.  They’re ERASABLE! First, I tried out these SuperTab Erasable Manila Folders from Smead. There’s a little strip that has a sheen to it (that you can’t see on here) on the tab for you to write on.  I love that you write on them

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