Hi! I’m Tessa!
Hi! I’m Tessa Maguire. I have been teaching for 17 years in many different roles and schools. My first 8 years were spent in nontraditional placements in elementary schools (hence where my blog name comes from). I have been an interventionist, a reading teacher for grades K-5, an RtI coordinator K-8, a differentiation coach, and an instructional coach and administrator.
The bulk of my classroom experience has been 7 years as a third grade teacher. I also did a three year loop with a group of students from first grade through third grade. This looping experience really allowed me to see how all of the primary years connect and built routines I continue to use as a third grade teacher.
My experiences have given me an opportunity to learn about education beyond a traditional classroom, and I’ve had the amazing opportunity to learn from and alongside some phenomenal teachers!
My goal for this blog is to offer strategies and resources that make teachers’ lives a little bit easier. I believe in standards based instruction, in ways that are engaging and thematic. I offer real-world solutions to the everyday struggles in the classroom: standards based instruction, classroom management, student engagement, and more. My experiences have offered me the opportunity to learn from and alongside wonderful teachers, helping me improve my craft. I share those experiences here.
I have a Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education where I also received a Reading minor. I also have a Masters of Arts in Elementary Education with a Reading Specialist License (K-12). I have completed the Top Ten Tools for Teaching Reading course and am currently working my way through LETRS. I am also Google Level 1 certified.