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Build Oral Language with Morning Meeting & a Question of the Day text next to laptop with a question of the day displayed

Build Oral Language Skills with a Morning Meeting Question of the Day

Oral language is an often forgotten about aspect of our classrooms. Students cannot write what they cannot say. We build strong readers and writers through our oral language work. Dialogues about learning, classroom systems such as think-pair-share, and routines for talking in complete sentences all help students develop the oral language skills they need. At the same time, morning meeting is a routine central to our classroom community. It’s a time to get to know one

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Teaching Classroom Procedures with Interactive Modeling text with students in a line

Teaching Procedures with Interactive Modeling

One of the most successful classroom management strategies I’ve learned about is the process of interactive modeling to introduce procedures in my classroom. I previously had not done a very good job teaching my students classroom procedures. I had this idea that they knew what they were supposed to do because they were in classroom before. While I would go over a few things that I felt I needed to, I left my kids to

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Tips for Funding Your Classroom Library

The area of my classroom I am most proud of is my classroom library.  What started out as a respectable, but not so diverse collection of books, has quickly grown into something I can showcase.  I’ve had students in awe of the selection shouting “This is like going to a real library!”. While there are definitely areas that are in need of some love and expansion, especially my non-fiction offerings, I’m consistently working to add

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Digital Classroom Management Tools for teachers image

Digital Classroom Management Tools

Over the last few years I’ve slowly been incorporating more and more of my classroom management into digital tools.  Since I’ve been teaching for so long, I didn’t start out teaching this way, and I haven’t always had the technology I have available now.  Changing my systems into digital resources has saved me so much time over the years.  I’m no longer spending my mornings setting up my schedule on the board and rotating my

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Classroom library organization image

Classroom Library Organization

Organizing your classroom library is probably one of those things you never thought of until it was time to put it together. That’s how I was. I had accumulated a decently sized collection of books, and then I walked into a classroom where I was also given a good supply of books for my classroom library. I also had zero built in space for a library and I knew I needed to be shelving and

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