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Getting Started with the Science of Reading: What is the Frayer Model text on the left with a printed Frayer model on colored cardstock on the right

Frayer Model for Vocabulary Instruction – Getting Started with SoR

Vocabulary is a significant predictor of overall reading comprehension and student performance, even as young as kindergarten. Vocabulary instruction, while not talked about as much as other literacy components, should be an intentional component of our day. A lot of our students’ word knowledge and vocabulary is learned without our explicit instruction. But, explicit vocabulary instruction must be present in our classrooms. In my The 3 Tiers of Vocabulary post, I walked through each of the

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Picture of a printable Short A Word ladder on a clipboard resting a top a colorful set of papers. To the right is the text "What are Word Ladders"

Using Word Ladders for Practicing Phonics Skills During Whole Group and Small Group Instruction

Research tells us that instruction is most impactful when phonemic awareness and phonics are done together. While previously it was suggested that phonemic awareness can be done in the dark, we now know how powerful it is to focus our phonemic awareness practice with letters. How do we do that? By giving students practice activities that focus on phoneme segmenting, blending, and manipulating while they’re working on reading and writing words. Word ladders are a great

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letter tiles on left with "What are Word Chains" text on right

Word Chains: What are They & How to Use Them to Practice Phonics Skills

Word chains are a powerful instructional tool to help reinforce sound-symbol (phoneme-grapheme) relationships. Word chaining strengthens both phonics and phonemic awareness skills as students identify the placement of the sound change and the spelling of that change. What are word chains? A word chain is a sequence of words that each differ by one phoneme, or sound. To complete the word chain, students build, or write, each of the target words changing one sound at

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Getting Started with the Science of Reading: Effective Vocabulary instruction is written in text on the left. On the right is a child holding a ring with a set of cards. The word "Abrupt" is displayed on the shown card.

Vocabulary Instruction & Teaching Strategies – Getting Started with SoR

Vocabulary is a significant predictor of overall reading comprehension and student performance, even as young as kindergarten. Vocabulary instruction often has taken a backseat to phonics/decoding or comprehension. But, it is an important component of literacy and should have its place in our classrooms. A lot of our students’ word knowledge and vocabulary is learned without our explicit instruction. They’re learned implicitly through incidental learning. They learn words from oral language, media, and reading and

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Getting started with the Science of Reading: The 3 Tiers of Vocabulary on the left. On the right is a colorful triangle divided into 3 areas labeled tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3 from bottom to top.

The 3 Tiers Of Vocabulary: Choosing Words for Instruction – Getting Started with SoR

Vocabulary is the knowledge of words and the meaning of those words. There is a strong connection between vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension. You have to understand the words you’re reading, in order to understand the text as a whole. The words we teach our students explicitly is based on the 3 tiers of vocabulary. But, a lot of our students’ word knowledge and vocabulary is learned without our explicit instruction; it’s learned implicitly. They

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