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Mondrian art image and "Mondrian Inspired Area and Perimeter Art Project" text

Mondrian Area and Perimeter Art Project

A few years back I came across this fun Piet Mondrian abstract art project that reviewed area and perimeter. Working at an arts integration school, it’s a perfect area and perimeter art project. We could explore a new artist and art style while also using the project to showcase our math learning. Bonus- I was able to use the activity as a formative check on area and perimeter. I could also use the project to

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Celebrating Dot Day

Several years ago I learned about International Dot Day. Since then, I’ve incorporated it into my classroom every year. International Dot Day is celebrated on September 15th-ish each year and is brought to you by The Dot author, Peter H. Reynolds. If you’re not familiar with him, or his books, take this as your opportunity. His books, especially those that are part of the Creatrilogy series help show students important character traits through familiar, real-life

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Christmas Parent Gifts with art inspiration

Art Inspired Christmas Parent Gifts

I work at an arts integrated magnet school, and I’m always looking for meaningful ways to incorporate the arts into our day.  I love using art in our parent gifts throughout the year, and Christmas is no different.  Because I’m looping with my class for 3 years, I want to make sure to keep our Christmas gifts for parents fresh each year, so I was on the hunt for some new ideas.  I’m really happy

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Back to School Student Activities: Name Plate, art project, bulletin board

The First Few Days Back to School

The Back to School season is always so exciting, and stressful, for teachers and students alike.  Students are often wondering who will be in their class this year; if they’ll like their teacher; if this year they’ll finally be more successful in math; etc.  Teachers are often wondering if they’ll have new requirements thrown at them; if they’ll get along with that new staff member; how big their class size will be; if the new

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Properties of Shapes & Op Art

My first graders came to me with a lot of background knowledge on shapes and their properties.  I was impressed with the amount of information they retained from kindergarten and from other learning experiences.  Because we didn’t need to spend a ton of time on 2-D shapes it was the perfect opportunity to integrate art into our unit to help students continue to develop their understanding of shape properties and to demonstrate content mastery. Working at an

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