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Guest post- Arlene from It’s Elementary

I’m so excited to have Arlene as a guest blogger today!  Arlene has so much knowledge from her variety of experiences that I love to read her insights.  I hope you enjoy this guest post from her today.

I would like to thank Tessa for this wonderful opportunity to share a topic that is so important in K-3.  Having worked in a Title I school for many years as an ESL Resource teacher I did a lot of research into vocabulary development. One of the best research studies came from Hart and Risley, 1995. “Children come to school with meaningful differences in vocabulary knowledge. According to their research what matters is a student’s relative economic advantage. Children living in poverty hear one-third the number of words per minute than those of the working class. Not only was there a difference in numbers of words but also in quality. Students living in poverty aren’t exposed to rich, robust words and by the time they enter school the vocabulary knowledge gap is even wider. Explicit Vocabulary Instruction is necessary to help bridge that gap for these students. In K-2 many of these rich and robust words that are important to know in order to understand a text can be explicitly taught during Read Alouds. Text Talk developed by Beck and McKeown is a method where students listen to the new words being introduced in the context of the story and then three selected words are taught explicitly through explanations an discussions. The three targeted words are Tier Two Words such as adjectives or adverbs whose meaning is necessary for comprehending the text that is being read.
I was fortunate to have attended Anita Archer’s Workshop on Explicit Vocabulary Instruction at a Conference in which she demonstrated how to teach those Tier Two words during Read Alouds. I hope you will click on the link below to watch her short videos on Vocabulary Instruction from K-3 during your summer break and think about incorporating some of these strategies when you do Read Alouds with your students in the fall
You can also find this Vocabulary Word Card freebie at my TpT store.
I have taught for 33 years all over the U.S. including Alaska and Hawaii and overseas in Seoul, South Korea. I have a Master’s degree in Special Education and have taught Elementary, Special Education and ESL students. I started my very first blog 3 months ago as well as selling on TpT. I love sharing my knowledge and experiences of those wonderful years in the classroom with other and hope they will help teachers make a difference for the students in their classroom.


  • Thanks so much for sharing Anita's vidoe. I had the pleasure of attending one of the seminars at a Core conference last year. I learned a lot that I try to incorporate into my first grade classroom daily. Almost 60% os my children are english learner, but I feel like my entire class definitely benifits from these strategies.

    Thanks again,

  • Thanks for your sharing, Julie. Godd teaching is good teaching and Anita has such great strategies to help all learners.


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