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Last Day of my Sweet Giveaways

Well it’s the last day of my 700 follower Sweet Giveaways.  (I apparently deleted my image and you all don’t mind if I don’t redownload it just to reupload it, do ya?!)  I’m sorta sad to see it end.  I’ve loved all of the comments and emails, but whew!  It’s been a tiring week.  Not to mention, I’ve caught this end of summer bug that’s been going around and have been sick and exhausted all week and have had a hard time keeping up.  For all of you that became followers this week, welcome!  I hope you enjoy being a follower of mine and get some new ideas and resources that you can use in your classroom.  Now on to the goodies…

My giveaway is closed.  Thanks so much for following!  Please check out my most recent post.
Heather from
Peacocks and Penguins
is letting me give away her super adorable

I am officially in LOVE with it!

I’m also giving away

Going Nutty!  In Mrs. Squirrel's first grade

And the incredible

is letting me give away a GIANT unit packed with math goodies from her store!

And, finally, I promised another couple surprises.  I will be offering random items for free from my TpT store throughout the day today.  I’ll change them randomly, as I feel like it, so check it often!  My Facebook fans will be given special clues to help them find the free items.  If you download something and you like it, take a quick minute to also rate it.  You never know when something you’ve had your eye on will turn free!  Click my button below to head there and check it out!

Also, I will be offering a B2G1 sale all weekend this weekend!  Buy any two items from my TpT store and you can get another item free.  The total of the paid items must be at least as much as the free item.  All you need to do to get your free item is email me with the following information at ta**************************@gm***.com:
Did you buy it from TpT or TN?
What’s your username?
What two items did you buy?
What item would you like for free.

I hope you all have enjoyed this as much as I have this week!  Thank you for being a follower of mine!



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