Hi! Remember me? Yes, I’m that blogger you love hearing from. The one that posts the most random things from kindergarten math, to sixth grade reading, to clip art. Yeah, I took a little hiatus. Prepping for the big sale wore me out. I took a few (fourteen) steps back from the computer for a few days and enjoyed life as a non-blogger. I didn’t creating anything at all, for almost two weeks, for the first time in months. I do have quite a few things that I found that I want to share with you soon, but, first up, some goodies from me!
I’m still spending a lot of my thinking energy on my number sense kiddos. Since they didn’t grasp number sense the first, second, third (I could keep going ) time around, I’m trying to come up with other ways to make it click and stick! My cuties in second are still struggling with place value and understanding what each place means. I’ll think they get it but then they don’t, and I have to come up with something new. One thing I tried on Friday was a spur of the moment, they-aren’t-getting-it-and-I’m-out-of-ideas idea. We borrowed the middle school science room (the only room in the building with tile instead of carpet) because they just happened to be at lunch. I used a dry erase marker to write H, T, and O in the tiles. Then I’d name or write a number and ask the students to jump into the place a specific digit was in. Or, I’d say something like, “If I add 40 to this number, what digit changes?” It seemed to go pretty well for two of the three kiddos.
So on the way home from school yesterday I was trying to think of what else I could do with them, and I thought of this song. I’m going to teach it to them the next time I’m with them. It’s gotta help, right?!?
I love these snowmen centers! This makes me want to teach younger grades. I try to have fun in the upper grades though, too!
The snowman centers are awesome! I'm going to do snowmen in January, so this would be perfect! Thanks!
Teaching With Style
Love the place value song! Exactly what I needed right now!
And, for the record, I love the variety of your posts!
Smiles – Lisa
Growing Firsties
I hope it helps! And, thank you!
I couldn't get the place value song because it went to Pinterest, and I don't "do" that yet. Can it be downloaded another way? Thanks.
Hi Susan,
The center is the Pinterest logo but if you click beyond that, you are still able to download it.
We see the numbers from right to left, BUT we read them from left to right, don't we? I'd change the song's second verse. Thanks.