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Wednesday Website

Throughout my blog posts I’ve shared websites off and on (like so many other bloggers) and linked up with techy linkies.  I was thinking that this summer, since I don’t have things like iPads and don’t need apps for my kiddos, I’d share just websites (mostly free!) that I’ve loved to use throughout the last few years.  And hopefully some of you like them too.  And then I also thought it’d be fun to get ideas from other people as well.  So, enter Wednesday Website: a weekly linky showcasing websites that you can hopefully use.
Thanks to Ashley for the adorable girl clip art!
Professor Garfield is a site I started using a LONG time ago!  And it’s FREE!  It’s changed so much over the last few years and they’ve expanded the games and materials that are available for kids.  There’s still many things I haven’t figured out with the new site but here are a few of my favorite features!
If you click on the “Read!” beaker you come to this screen.  There are also links on the bottom that you can click (they’re cut off in the picture) but I find those difficult for the kiddos to do on their own.
Orson’s Farm is the section of the site where kiddos practice different phonemic awareness skills.
Match of Mystery is the section of the website where kids can practice different phonics skills- basically vowel sounds.
Reading Ring is great to engage boys!  It’s set up like a boxing ring.   Then a comic strip comes out.  The kids read the strip, put it in order to sequence it, and then answer a few comprehension questions.  All of the comic strips feature, guess who?  Garfield!
There are SO many other areas of this site.   This would be the world’s longest post if I shared them all.  They’ve also recently starting adding a section with math as well.  Click on any of the pictures to go check out this great site!
All of these links below are also other great websites from some other fantastic bloggers.  Click the pictures below to check them out.  
(Bloggers, please link back using the button above so we can continue to spread the love!)




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