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Workin on Number Sense

Have I shared with you that I have two groups focusing on number sense?  These are the kiddos who aren’t quite “getting” numbers.  They are second and third graders.  I realized last week that while my third graders can carry and borrow {they understand the rules} they don’t understand WHY they’re doing it.  I have my work cut out for me!

When my second graders come in, I’m finishing up with another group.  So I have them add to my “Show Me What You Know” board where I ask them to show me one way to make a number.  I tell them that they have to show me a different way than has already been shown but do allow them to use different addition or subtraction facts.

I got this great poster that looks like paper from Dollar Tree and I just laminated it so we could write on it.  I keep one number up for a few days and then swap it out.

I started off by using the primary version of Number Detectives from Queen of the First Grade Jungle.  You can click on the picture below to head to her post about it and to get it for free!

I love it because it reviews so many different skills.  And it gives me so many teachable moments with the kids. It was a great baseline for me and I throw another one in every couple weeks as a sort of progress monitoring.
We’ve been working on place value and really understanding what it means.  We keep talking and practicing and using base ten blocks and I’m hoping it sticks soon!  I created these Snowman Math centers to work with them on for the next few weeks before our next assessment.
They’re focusing on adding and subtracting, number order, and standard and expanded form.  There’s also a page where students practice a variety of skills including adding and subtracting ten and showing it with place value.  I targeted these skills based on my students NWEA results but I’m hoping they work for many of you.  You can check it out in my TpT store by clicking on the cover below.
I also made more missing number hundreds grid puzzles.  This time I made a cute snowflake border.  They’re completely black and white to save on ink 🙂  There are ten different pages.  They’re great printed, laminated, and used as a center.  We’ll be using these as well.  You can click on the pictures below to head to TpT and download it for FREE!

Oh, and I got this bad boy finished today.  I’ve been wanting to make a yearlong set of my 2nd grade Common Core math warm ups and just haven’t had the time.  Just like the first one it has 40 different pages and has a spiral review of *almost* all of the second grade Common Core math standards.  It follows the same format as all of the others in the set.  I’m hoping to get two more sets done while I’m off this weekend.  This is my best seller and I’ve had a ton of requests for additional sets.  Check it out.
I’m also linking up with Sunny Days in Second Grade for Show & Tell Tuesday with all these winter goodies!

Alright, that’s enough for me today!  What do you use to work on number sense with your kiddos?  Any resources I need to be sure to know about?



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