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3 Reads strategy for problem solving with poster on clipboard and math manipulatives around it

3 Reads Strategy for Successful Problem Solving in Math

Word Problems are often the hardest part of our math instruction. They can visually overwhelm students. They often contain extraneous information or multiple steps for completion. Students often struggle to persevere through complex problems. But, ultimately, it is through these complex problems that we are able to truly see our students’ understanding of math concepts and proficiency with the standards. Our students are expected to persevere through solving them, to demonstrate understanding, and to use

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5 Games for Building Addition and Subtraction Fact Fluency text with image of dice

5 Fun Games for Building Addition and Subtraction Fact Fluency

Getting students to master their addition and subtraction facts can be a challenge. I believe in teaching strategies for learning the facts. But, fact fluency is also built through continued exposure and repetitive practice. A great way to build fact fluency is with addition and subtraction games. I use games both in whole group settings, but also within my small groups. I love to use them as students’ group work while I’m teaching my small

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Why a Word Problem of the Day is a Must

Why I Do a Word Problem of the Day

We know that word problems are often a struggle for students. My first year in the classroom, when my students sat down to do the complex, open-ended part of our state assessment in February, I had a gut-wrenching feeling that I hadn’t prepared them. We did some word problems within each of our units. But, those word problems weren’t very complex. And, students always knew exactly what to expect because it was exactly what we

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5 Games for Building Multiplication & Division Fact Fluency text with dice displayed

5 Games to Build Multiplication & Division Fact Fluency

Students’ fact fluency is a pain point year after year and with nearly every grade level, it seems. Getting students to master their multiplication and division facts can be a challenge. A great way to build fact fluency with multiplication and division is through playing games. Through repetitive and engaging practice, students build their recognition of math facts through ongoing play. I use games both in whole group settings, but also within my small groups.

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How I use Spiral Reviews to Guide Math reteaching text with spiral notebooks and colored base ten blocks around the text

How I Use Spiral Reviews to Guide my Math Reteaching

We’ve all been guilty of it. We look at our assessment data, see a good portion of our class mastered the assessment, and move on because our pacing guide dictates that we do. We know we have those kiddos that need more support before they’ll get to mastery. There’s also those that will struggle to retain their proficiency once we move on to a new unit. On top of those that have mastered that standard

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