Teaching effectively online is not easy. Depending on your state and district expectations, there are a variety of efforts at distance learning right now. Whether you’re trying to teach new standards or review, finding resources to help you meet your students’ needs can be difficult. It’s not possible to create digital versions of everything you need. Buying everything isn’t realistic, not to mention it can be difficult to verify the product meets your needs in advance. One of the items I have missed the most as we’ve switched to online learning has been my spiral reviews. I have printable spiral reviews for 1st grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade. I use them as our morning work every single day and they keep my students’ math skills sharp. So, I have started creating digital spiral reviews to bring that ongoing practice to our online instruction.
Digital Math Spiral Review
I’ve created our digital math spiral review in Google Forms. I love using Google Forms because the Forms are easy to assign and grade and students can get immediate feedback on their work. Because we use Google Classroom in my district, I’m able to assign the Form as an assignment, and quickly check over and import the grades. Students check over their responses as soon as they’re complete so they can get ongoing feedback on their mistakes. If you’re new to Google Forms and Google Classroom I have a few tutorials that may help you get started. You might also find my tutorial on using Google Forms with Google Classroom helpful.
The 1st and 2nd grade digital math spiral review each are out of 10 points. There are a variety of standards addressed on each Form. The 3rd grade digital math spiral review forms are out of 20 points. Several standards are repeated throughout the set and there are standards addressed in each domain. Questions are available in multiple-choice and short answer, open-ended formats. Some questions are multi-select, some are true and false, and others use multi-select tables. The variety of question types give students needed practice on question formats.
There are 5 free Forms available for 1st-3rd grades in my online Free Library. You can access my Free Library by signing up for my newsletter. My newsletter offers a variety of free resources, ideas, and suggestions for 1st-3rd grades. I send out a few a month and try to keep them short and helpful. Sign up for my newsletter using the form below. I hope you find these spiral review Forms helpful as you navigate distance learning with your students.
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