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Free Digital Multiplication Bump

Multiplication Bump Google Slides Freebie with Computer and Game

I’m always looking for ways to build my students’ skills in fun and engaging ways. I like to use games in my classroom, especially in math. Bump is a super popular game that builds students’ fact fluency. Part of what makes it so popular is that there’s not many extra tools needed. Some people use a spinner to play and others use a dice. Or, a deck of cards. While we’re working through online learning I was trying to think through multiplication games I could provide to my 3rd graders to help build their multiplication fact fluency. At the end of the year I usually send home some math work to be used with a deck of cards (along with the cards). I wanted something fun and engaging that I could provide digitally during our distance learning. This Digital Multiplication Bump was a great solution and my students are already enjoying it!

My favorite part about Digital Multiplication Bump is that everything students need is built right into the game on Google Slides! There’s no need for spinners or dice. Just click to roll the dice. Then record the equation on the gameboard. This gives students space to record their thinking, and helps build students’ fact fluency as they reference them for the same and related facts later in the game. The script that’s used in the game has to be enabled by each player on each game board. But, that’s just a few clicks of the button. Then you’re ready to play!

This quick video will show how the game is played. It doesn’t go through how to enable the script for the first time, but that really is so easy! You just click on Roll Dice and click the two pop up dialog boxes to enable it. It’s safe to use. Pictures are included in the first slide of the file.

My free Digital Multiplication Bump includes a traditional 6-sided dice on the game board. Players roll the dice twice to find their equation, and then cover the product using one of the markers on the side. If you’re new to Bump, the rules are pretty simple. Students cover the product after rolling. If the other player also gets that same product, they get to “BUMP” the first player off the space. However, if you roll the same product a second time, you can put a second marker on top of the first and “lock” that space, protecting it as your own. The first player to use all of their game markers is the winner.

I also have versions practicing facts to 10 and facts to 12. The Facts to 10 version has a built in 10-sided dice, and the Facts to 12 version has a built in 12-sided dice. While the CCSS dictate 3rd grade students will know single digit multiplication facts by memory, many places also require students to learn the facts through 12. Both versions are set up similarly. There are individual games for each of the factors. Players only roll once and multiply by that given factor. There is also a gameboard that focuses on doubles, with players only rolling once and multiplying the factor by itself. Finally, there are 5 gameboards for rolling the dice 12 with possible solutions missing- upping the difficulty of that version. Each of the gameboards is provided as a separate file for easing sharing. There is also an All-In-One file included with each of the games on its own slide. Because everything is included in the file that’s needed to play, it’s a great option to send home to families!

You can see a more in-depth look at my Digital Multiplication Bump Factors to 10 and Digital Multiplication Bump Factors to 12 in my TpT store.

Digital Multiplication Bump Factors to 10

Digital Multiplication Bump Factors to 12


Tips for Playing Digital Multiplication Bump

-Players need to play on the same gameboard. This works best by using the “Share” button to share the file with a friend. Players need to have edit access. Or, players can play together on the same device if they’re together.

-Restarting is so easy! Just click the edits, and restore a previous version.

-The directions vary slightly based on the specific game version being played. Directions are included to the left of the game board.

-Steps for enabling the script and how to play are included on the first Slide on each version.


Tips for Sharing with Students

If you want to share this file to play a game with your students, you can easily just share the specific link with them to play. But, if you want to share this game with your students so they have their own versions, you need to create a copy for each of them. This is SUPER easy to do in Google Classroom by creating an assignment. You can also share a forced copy link with students so they can click it and have a copied version added to their Google Drive folder. If you don’t have Google Classroom, this allows you to share the link with students using a different LMS, or in e-mail. Complete directions for sharing, including with pictures, is included in the files.

You can download the free Digital Multiplication Bump in my TpT store.

Digital Multiplication Bump to 6 cover image

If you’re looking for other ways to build students’ multiplication fact fluency, read my 5 Games for Building Multiplication and Division Fact Fluency. You may also enjoy my 5 in a Row games. 5 in a Row is a fun, speed based game where students solve an equation and find a solution on their gameboards. My students absolutely love it! With customizable time, you are able to increase the speed of the game. Also check out my 3rd Grade Math Games post for other fun and engaging ways to build students’ math skills.

Building Fact Fluency with 5 in a Row

Multiplication Bump Digital Partner Game for Google Slides Multiplication Game

Multiplication Bump Free Partner Game for Google Slides



  • Your product is great! I loved it! Thank you so much for your hard work and for sharing it! Blessings!

  • Ok this may be by far one of my all time favorite gems I have found! THANK YOU SO MUCH! My kids LOVED IT AND SO DID I!

  • When I clicked on the link to the Bump up to 10, it took me to the “up to 12” version of the game, and so I purchased the wrong one. I had no way to know until I downloaded the purchase. The link is connected to the wrong game. This is too difficult for my Gr 3 students.

    • Thank you for letting me know the link didn’t paste correctly. I have updated it. The images, titles, and product descriptions all indicate the differences between them. You can reach out to TpT and let them know that you purchased the wrong version and they should issue you a refund so you could purchase the one you were looking for. I am unfortunately unable to issue them on my end.

  • Is this editable? I am wanting to use these for multiplying 2 and 3-digit numbers by 1-digit.


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