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Student Data Trackers in Google Sheets

Tracking Student Data in Google Sheeets: Video Tutorials & Student Data Tracker Templates

It can be difficult, at times, to keep track of all of your instructional data, especially with so many subjects during our day. Especially if your school district, or school, doesn’t have a data system. Google Sheets is a great tool to keep track of student data for ongoing formative assessments, as well as diagnostic assessments. Having your assessment data accessible also makes it easy to use data to drive classroom instruction, or intervention. Once you have your data spreadsheet set up, it’s easy to adjust for different needs. And, you can reuse the same set up year after year. There are so many ways to customize your student data tracker spreadsheets to fit your needs, and make it work for you! I talk about a few different set ups I’ve used, and/or continue to use, throughout this post. Here’s a look at some easy ways you can track student data with Google Sheets.


Why track student data in Google Sheets?

Tracking student data in Google Sheets has many practical benefits!

    1. Accessibility- Since it’s cloud based, you can access it anywhere! I hate lugging my school computer home, so I rarely do. But, if I’m grading at home, I can still access my student data spreadsheets from home!
    2. Collaboration- Since more than one person can access Google Sheets at once, it’s the perfect program for managing student data for more than one classroom. Tracking RtI or intervention data or grade level performance on a school or district assessment are both done easily within Google Sheets. Or, it just makes it possible for you to share your data with your administration team, principal, or instructional coach.
    3. Autocalculations- My favorite reason for using Google Sheets or Excel for my data is the built in formulas! I use it to figure out student percentages from raw scores, I use it to generate a list of students based on proficiency, and I use it to color code based on student proficiency. I always build in averages into the spreadsheet so that I can monitor my overall student performance.
    4. Visualization- If you are a visual learner, it’s super fast and quick to add graphs and charts to reflect your data. While that’s not frequently how I like to view it, it’s super simple to add in.
    5. Versatile- From just checklists for attendance, weekly assessments, formative assessments, and more, you can use Google Sheets (or Excel!) to manage virtually anything you want to track in the classroom!

I used to use Excel to track my data, back in the olden days. Over the years, I’ve shifted to Sheets. I don’t think there’s a single feature I miss in my switch, especially since I don’t utilize the full functions of Sheets or spreadsheets in general.

How do I create student data trackers in Google Sheets?

The first iterations of my data tracking were literally just places to store scores. Over the years, as I’ve learned more about options available in Excel and now Google Sheets, I’ve been better able to customize them to meet my needs. Whether you’re looking to create one spreadsheet you can use to track data in a subject area, or a powerhouse of sheets to hold everything you need, you can build the spreadsheet that meets your needs.

I could list a series of steps to follow to build your student data tracker. But, chances are, if seeing the steps was enough for you, you would have already made your own! So, I think videos are the most helpful. Many people have anxiety around spreadsheet software but I love using them! I’ve spent significant amounts of time learning new things when I want the spreadsheet to do something I don’t yet know how to do! I’m not a pro by any means but I’ve learned a few tricks or two along the years.

This video walks through setting up a pretty basic, academic, standards-based student data tracker. I teach you how to build in formulas to copy information from other cells (so you don’t need to duplicate names), auto-calculating percentages, how to set up conditional formatting to color code based on student mastery, identifying the number of proficient students, and how to build in averages.


Free Student Data Tracker Template

In the video above I walk through how to set up this student data tracker and give suggestions for ways you can modify it to better meet your needs. If you’d rather not build it from scratch, I have a free standards tracking spreadsheet template you can download. The template is exactly what’s shown in the video, and it’s ready for you to continue to customize to meet your needs!


More In-Depth Student Data Tracking

In this Part 2 video, I take that same student data tracker and build individual student reporting pages. These allow you to see how each individual student is performing, standard-by-standard or skill by skill. It’s all set up with formulas so once it’s set up for one student, it’s pretty quick and simple to create it for the rest of the students in your class!  In this video, I talk through formulas for copying cells over to be displayed, adding graps, and conditional formatting.

If you’re looking to create a similar sheet to track your math data, I’ve got you covered!

Student Math Data Tracking Sheets

I think it’s very important to track student data standard by standard in math. It allows you to see who is in need of reteaching or extra support. So many skills build off of a previously learned skill in math. It makes it easy to spiral standards, but also means it’s critical students master them so they’re ready for the next layer. I have standards based math data tracking sheets prepped and ready for you. They’re currently available for grades 1-4. They are prebuilt with the Common Core Math Standards, but are editable so you can change them to match the standards for your state. Or, add in additional skills you’d like to track.

My favorite part of these math data trackers are the student information sheets. These student data pages are auto-generated! They’re literally no extra work for you! They prepopulate based on the assessment scores you enter into the data spreadsheet. They display the student scores by standard, organized by domain. This makes them perfect reporting pages for parents, or to take with you to a data meeting like RtI, MTSS, or IEP case conferences.

2nd grade math standards data tracking student sheet

I have math data trackers available for 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 4th grade. They are ready to be used, and are customizable to match your state standards, or district’s assessments. Each is tailored to your specific grade level and includes a video tutorial that walks you through how to use them. You can get yours sent to your inbox (for free) at Math Data Tracking Spreadsheets.

Phonics Tracking Sheets

Another pre-made student data tracker template I have available is my phonics tracking spreadsheets. This spreadsheet is built using the Quick Phonics Screener but is entirely editable to match whatever assessment you use. Tracking phonics data skill by skill is a great way to ensure students are making progress with their foundational reading skills. I’ve included the video tutorial below, but head to my Free Phonics Data Tracker Spreadsheet page to grab the tracker and read more about it.


Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Assessments Data Tracking

Do you give the Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Assessments? If so, this data tracker is for you! Designed for the Kindergarten and Primary Phonemic Awareness Assessments, this data tracker also creates individual student reporting pages. Designed similar to my Phonics Data Tracker, just enter in names and scores and the individual pages are created for you! Just head to my Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Assessments page to grab it for yourself!


You can use Google Sheets to create even more in-depth student data trackers! Do you use Google Sheets in other ways? I’d love to hear it in the comments below.

Tracking student Data in Google Sheets with individual student reporting page




  • This is exactly what I needed! Thank you! Any chance of grade 5 sheets in the future?

  • Hi I was unable to open the tracker template. Would you be able to email me a copy?

  • Hi!
    Thank you so much for this! I have been trying to go digital! Is there a way to add more progress monitoring tabs?

    • You can add more tabs by just duplicating them. However, they will not show up on the student pages without extensive work.

    • I don’t. I believe they recommend the QPS or Core Phonics Survey as the diagnostic assessment. If you were wanting it to track your students’ progress each week, this is set up for diagnostic and progress monitoring assessments and not weekly. With that said, if the format fits your needs, you are able to edit the skill titles and raw scores to match any assessment’s sequence.

  • Hi! It is not sending the data tracker sheet to my school email address. Would you be able to send me a copy?

    • Hi, my email service shows you opened the email and clicked the link, though it’s possible that’s just the filtering. Since the email came through, it seems, I’m not sure me sending it would go through any differently. It shows it sent on 7/15 and was opened. Can you confirm if you did or did not receive it? Otherwise, you may need to have it sent to a personal account because your district filter may be blocking it.

  • I am a sped teacher who tracks specific goals. Is there a way to use these trackers or could you guide me to modify this sheet?

    • Hi Shelly, I have a couple ideas. The video tutorials in this post show you a lot of ways you can set up your own. In each of the trackers I also include additional video tutorials on how to modify them. You can use these as a template to start and then change them. Send me an email at te***@ta**************************.com and we can talk more!

  • Thank you so much for this and for all of the hard work you have put into this resource! You are greatly appreciated!


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