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Curriculum Mapping

Curriculum Mapping with Excel

I’m so excited to be joining in with some friends to bring you some Back to School Survival Tips.  At the bottom of this post is a linky so you can check out ideas from each of us on how to start the new year off on the right foot!  I’ve done curriculum mapping in a variety of ways the last couple years.  From completely mapping everything for multiple grade levels without any textbook, to

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Measuring Angles

Head on over to the Ellison blog to see how my students measured angles in our math textbook with a different sort of math tool!  Just click the image below to head over.

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YouTube math channels

6 YouTube Channels to Help you Teach Math

I like to use videos and songs in my lessons as much as possible, and math videos are no different.  Having a video give a minilesson gives students the opportunity to take a break from me and my voice, which they love.  It also gives me a moment to sit down.  Sitting down and being quiet for a moment is a glorious feeling that doesn’t happen too often in the classroom.  Watching a video also

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Visual Reminders

Hey there!  I’m over on the Ellison Education blog today sharing these simple wristbands that I’ve started using as a quick way to individualize a bit of my instruction.  It takes me less than three minutes to prep each day.  Click on the picture below to head on over and check it out.

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