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2nd Grade Common Core Math Standards

Oh. My. Goodness.

Friday night I uploaded and blogged about  my K/1 Common Core Math pack.  I made it for my kindergarten team based on feedback from them, and didn’t really think many people would want it since it spanned two grades.  I was wrong. Just plain wrong.  I got lots of great, positive feedback both here and in my TpT store.  And then I had requests for a second grade common core math review pack.  I said I would oblige, but it would need to wait until spring break.  Who am I kidding?!?  People are asking!  So, of course I put off the laundry and the cleaning to get it done.  Plus, making it was so much more fun than cleaning would ever be!

I uploaded the full file and a 4 page sample in my TpT store. Teacher’s Notebook decided it didn’t want to work so I’ll get to that at another time. If you want to download the full thing you can do it here. If you want to download the free pages to try it out in your classroom, you can do it here.

Should I keep working on a few more grades?  Someone said they’d like 3rd and so I may do that.  I only work K-3 so I would have completely spanned it by then.  Are you interested in having something similar for E/LA?

As I was working on this today, someone mentioned to me that North Carolina has unpacked the standards.  I wasn’t sure what she meant but I Googled it.  I’ve found some awesome stuff on North Carolina’s site before and this just makes it even better.  Check out this site for everything Common Core. It’s awesome.  I’ve always said I’m going to move to North Carolina and I think this just made that fantasy worse.  Keep in mind that I’ve never been there so I really have just built these fantasies in my head.  Well, and Mr. Nicholas Sparks does a pretty good job of convincing me that I should go as well.

Ah, well, I’m off to dream about North Carolina….



    • When you go on Pinterest, go to About and then Pin it Button. Scroll down to Pin it Button for website. You enter the link for the post (so you must do this after the post is live), the link for the image (I get that from the html after I've attached the picture), and it's up to you to add a description. There are some tutorials on adding it to the template on your site, but I've never gotten them to work for me so I generally manually do each one. It only takes a minute.

      Thanks for coming by. I'm heading over to your pad now. 🙂

  • NC has indeed put out some really good sites that have been helpful for us. We've had three days of training for the switch over and alot of time has been spent looking over those sights. I would love a third grade one even though I'm not sure where I"ll be, but if I'm here then it will be great. If you added a 3rd grade LA I would definitely be intereested.

    • Thanks for the feedback! I will be working on a 3rd grade CC math review soon. As far as LA goes, I wanted to get some feedback before I began that. I've talked with my teachers here, but I wanted to see what my followers thought as well. Look for a blog post asking for specifics very soon!

  • I would be interested in a 3rd grade CC pack as well!!! Just found your blog and I'm loving it! By the way, I love Nicholas Sparks too! 🙂

    • I'll be working on the 3rd grade one soon! I'll probably post it here when I finish, but make sure you follow me on TpT too if you're interested. And thanks!

      I only wish Nicholas Sparks wouldn't always make me cry!

  • Following on TPT as well!!! Thanks so much…can't wait to see it! I completely agree about NS making you cry…me too!

  • Hi Tessa! Just found your blog and I love it…both for my kindergartner at home and my third grade classroom! I would Love to see a 3rd grade CC pack as well! Thanks for the great tools!

  • Well, I live in NC, and I can't say that the DPI site is always great 🙁 You have to pick and choose.

    As far as Nicholas Sparks, I work in Southport, which is where they are now starting to film Safe Haven 🙂 They even asked if they can use our campus for some scenes 🙂

  • I don't suppose you have any plans for 7th or 8th grade??? Thank you for your posts! You are the reason I joined today!! 🙂

    • No, I don't. Honestly, I still haven't tackled 4th grade and so I don't think I'll ever muster the courage to try middle school. I would be so afraid I did something wrong!

  • I love this!! Thank you for sharing. As a first year teacher, this may help save my life 🙂 An ELA one would be helpful as well!


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