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Classroom Anchor Charts

As the end of the year is drawing near, I thought I’d do a post sharing some of the anchor charts we’ve created throughout the year.  Now, I’ll be perfectly honest and say my creative skills are lacking.  I make these with my students, and so my handwriting is often sloppy as I’m quickly writing, and there are a few authentic mistakes.  But that’s what makes them real and useful in our rooms.

Classroom anchor charts

I also thought it’d be fun to see other anchor charts from teachers.  So if you’d like to share some of your anchor charts, just link up below.

Here’s a collection of my math anchor charts.  I kept this post basically wordless as the anchors speak for themselves.

An anchor chart for the counting on subtraction strategy

My kids had the hardest time with subtraction with regrouping this year.  We tried strategy after strategy.  We tried Bigger, Bottom, Borrow.  I still have a group that likes to pretend they can take 9 away from 4.  This HOT strategy was one I came up with to try and help them.

HOT subtraction- a strategy for recognizing when to regroup in subtraction
An anchor chart for multiplication generalizations and rules.


An anchor chart for understanding the difference between multiplication and division.


An anchor chart for figured out how much time has passed using the backwards N strategy.



Fractions anchor chart. Lots more anchors on this page.


Equivalent Fractions anchor chart


Anchor chart on improper fractions and mixed numbers.


Anchor chart on decimal representations
Link up below!  I’d love to see the anchors from your room!

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