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Common Core Math Practice

I’m coming to you live from sunny San Francisco, California!  I flew in Christmas Eve and am leaving New Years Eve.  We’ve been doing a ton of walking, and I’m currently doing a bit of extra relaxing before we head out for the day.  My lower back is killing me and we still have one more round of sight seeing to do here before we head back south tomorrow.

When I get back, one of the first things I need to do is head back into school, get the room deChristmasified and get to planning since I didn’t get anything done before break.  We’re kicking things into high gear just as soon as we get back.  We have a solid two months of school before we start our state testing and so we have a lot of things we need to brush up on until then.

For math, I plan on using my spiral math warm ups as both homework and class practice.  We have been using Drops in the Bucket for our morning work.  I like it because it’s continuous review of old skills for students.  However, we also need to get them practicing skills they’re likely to see on the test.  They’ve done well on them in class, but I think that spiral review helps keep it fresh in their minds.

I’m going to use the second grade set as homework.  Because our students don’t get a lot of parent support, and homework isn’t often done, I want it to be a bit more of a review for students.  Plus, here in Indiana, we’re still officially teaching our state standards and not Common Core, so there’s a bit of a misalignment between the two.

 I started out by making one set of 40 pages.  They were so popular that people asked for additional sets that they could use all year long.  I ended up making 4 sets and then bundling them (with a discount) so people have 160 pages for the year if they would like.  Each set spirals through all of the standards so page 1 on set 1 is similar to page 1 on set 4.  By clicking on the picture above or the picture below, it’ll take you to the Full Set listing.  From there, you can click to see the individual sets.

You can get 4 free pages from the 1st set by clicking the picture below.  It’ll take you to that listing in my TpT store.

Then, during class, we will do one from the 3rd grade set each day as well.  This will give them continued practice and help up the rigor before the state test in March.  The 3rd grade set has a lot of problem solving on it so it’ll be great practice of those problem solving skills I’ve been trying so hard to get them to use!

 The third grade set is designed just like the second grade set.  This will also keep them from knowing what grade level they’re working on.  It does have the standards listed in each corner, but the students don’t know the standards format, so it shouldn’t give anything away.

If you click on the link for any of the pictures, it’ll take you to my TpT store where you can see a bit more information in the product description.

If you want to check out the 3rd grade set and get 4 pages for free, just click the image below.

I thought there’d be a lot of people who were like me and wanted to review both the 2nd and 3rd grade standards.  For me, my kids don’t come in with enough mastery of 2nd grade for me to jump right into the 3rd grade set.  We need some review of 2nd grade as well.  So, I decided to bundle the two sets half and half so people who wanted it that way could also receive the bundled discount.  Click the image below to head to my TpT store and pick it up.


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