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Favorite Fun & Funky Fonts

A few years ago when I started this journey posting my creations and blogging, I slowly started incorporating new fonts that I’d find.  I literally have spent HOURS scouring the internet looking for new ones that I wanted.  I will completely admit that I downloaded any font that I saw that I liked from regardless of whether or not it was free for commercial use or not.  I now have hundreds of fonts on my computer and really need to do a clean up and get rid of some of the ones I never use.

Over the years I’ve learned a few things.  First, not every font is free to use commercially.  For most people, that’s just fine.  But, for blog designs and products I post on TpT I can’t use them.  I promise you that I do not remember an artist’s terms after installation, and unlike clipart they aren’t quickly available next to exactly what I want to use. So now I generally just stick to the artists I know, and read very closely before I download.

I looooove fonts.  I don’t always find the perfect font for what I’m looking for, but I will spend hours trying.  Because tons of people generally have questions regarding cute fonts and where to find them, I thought I’d start sharing some of my favorites.  These are my favorite fun and funky fonts that I use regularly.

Clearly I’m a big fan of the non-solid ones.  I like that sketchy look.  It adds another dimension that I’m really digging!

All of the Janda and KG fonts are courtesy of Kimberly Geswein.  I’m a wee bit in love with her and her fancy font stylin’.  And as an added bonus, all of her fonts are free for personal use!  Most of the others are easily available on dafont or by Googling the font name.  Many of them require payment for commercial use.

I hope to share some others of my favorites, handwriting and plain and elegant, soon.  What’s your favorite font?



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