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Mondrian Area and Perimeter Art Project

Mondrian art image and "Mondrian Inspired Area and Perimeter Art Project" text

A few years back I came across this fun Piet Mondrian abstract art project that reviewed area and perimeter. Working at an arts integration school, it’s a perfect area and perimeter art project. We could explore a new artist and art style while also using the project to showcase our math learning. Bonus- I was able to use the activity as a formative check on area and perimeter. I could also use the project to do some quick reteaching to those that needed it. Rather than do it on grid paper, though, we did it in Google Sheets. My favorite part- this art project is 100% digital and mess free! This digital art project allowed my students to build their understanding of a new online tool, and practice some tech basics like changing colors and creating custom colors. As someone with a long history of negative feelings about art, using technology has allowed me to find a new skillset and strength. This project allows me to explore art in a whole new way with my students- digitally!

Mondrian Area and Perimeter Art Project Tutorial

I made a quick video tutorial to help you get started. When I did this activity, I began with an introduction to Piet Mondrian and a few key components of his art that we use in our project: the use of white, black lines, and custom primary colors. The Tate Kids website  is a helpful resource to introduce Mondrian and his work to students. I also use the online collection from MoMA to explore how those key components are present in much of his work. After introducing Mondrian and his abstract art, students create their own Mondrian inspired art  in Google Sheets! Watch my tutorial below to see how I prepped Sheets for my students, and which tech skills I taught through the project.


I first did this digital art project several years ago- long before schools closed. With the increase in tech availability and student tech proficiency, it’s a great STEAM project! As a one day activity, you get so much out of it. Plus, it’s fun!

Throughout our measurement unit, I use my easy prep area and perimeter task cards to practice during whole group and small group lessons and to give my students independent practice. The bundle includes practice with each of the 3rd grade measurement standards around area and perimeter. From missing side lengths, to rectilinear figures, to word problems, this bundle covers our practice for weeks on end. I’ve also introduced area and perimeter in December using a themed unit. You can read more about my Elving Around with Area and Perimeter unit to take a closer look.

Mondrian Inspired Area and Perimeter Art Project


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