I’m linking up again with Denise from Sunny Days in Second Grade for her My Truth Monday. This week is your favorite app.
I spent a while thinking. I probably most love Pinterest. I’m a teensy bit obsessed. I’ve recently spent a lot of hours browsing their humor feed laughing to myself hysterically. Seriously, if you’re having a bad day, check it out. Or, you can follow my I Loled board here.
I’m also obsessed with Facebook. It’s really unhealthy, honestly. I have to check in with my real life friends and blogger friends on a daily basis. I’m constantly on there just checking in and making sure I’m not missing anything. I have major #FOMO!
But the other app that I’ve been using a lot is Feedly. I have it on my phone, on my new Kindle Fire, and I go to the website from my computer sometimes. Mainly, though, it’s when I’m reading blogs in bed. Because I don’t know about you, but most days I’m snuggled like a bug in a rug by 8:30! I know everyone got excited about BlogLovin when Google Reader went away {*tear*}, but I’ve just never been feeling it. Feedly’s it for me!
Here, I can go to specific blogs, see who’s posted recently, and look at specific blogs by category. I basically have food, and then teaching stuff. I like that I can just choose a few to check when I have a few minutes.
I love Feedly too! It's how I read all of the blogs I follow…on my iPad, iPhone or computer. I love the save feature too so I can go back and reread posts later. It's awesome! 🙂
I totally forgot to mention that, and the pinning right from the app! I love both features!
Thanks for posting this! I have followed you for so long and just love your posts and ideas 🙂 I just started my own blog and was thinking about adding a Feedly's button. You have sold me on that decision! Have a great holiday!