Hi everyone! I’m excited to be participating in Bright Ideas again today! This time, I’m starting a new video series on using Google Docs in the classroom. I’ve used it in a few different ways, and I thought I’d share some tips and tricks I’ve learned along the way. I also thought it’d be a good way for me to learn some new things as well.
Today’s video shares some basics on Google Docs. I also show you how I use it to do online quizzes for my students. I try to walk you through step by step so if you’re a first time user, you can follow along with the video. I get a little tongue tied toward the end, and you can hear my dog running around in the background distracting me, so I apologize if I get a bit confusing there.
I plan on sharing how I also do a bit of automatic grading using the same system on a later post. If you use Google Docs, or after you’ve tried this out, I’d love to hear some ideas/tips that you’ve found, or if you want to know if something is possible to do. Be sure to follow my blog to see additional videos and other tips and strategies. You can sign up at the bottom of this post.
Don’t forget to go through many of the other posts in this great linky! I know it’s a bit daunting to see all of them, but that’s why we listed grade levels in the titles. I’d love to hear your feedback on our new format and if you’re missing the hop portion!
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I love using Google Docs for creating and giving online tests for my students! Thanks for the great share. Very nice to be able to share with my colleagues… ♬Mrs. Samuelson's Swamp Frogs ♬
Thank you for this post and video! Our district is just about to move over to all things Google and although I know a lot about other Google tools, Google Docs is not one of them yet. I look forward to your series! 🙂
Tales of a Teacher
I love love loved your tutorial! So smart! And such an easy way to grade, especially if you do a computer-based grading system. Thank you so much Tessa! I can definitely see myself using this next year, as my new school has computers and ipads in the classroom. I can't wait to actually use real technology in the classroom!
Thank you for the video tutorial. I can see lots of ways that I can begin doing this in my 4th grade room. Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Laffin's Laughings
Hi there!
First of all, thank you for this tutorial! It helps me a lot in creating one of my own. Just a quick question, is it possible to create one using google docs apps?
To create a quiz? I’m not positive if there’s a Forms app, but if there is, then yes.