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Wednesday Website: Goodsearch

I missed last week’s Wednesday Website because I was incredibly busy.  I’ve also been trying to brainstorm websites I’ve used in the past so I can share them with you.  We really only use the same couple sites in my class and because our computers are very old and jankity, I haven’t really researched many new ones.  
This website isn’t a traditional education one, but it’s not as well known as I think it should be.  Have you heard of it?
Goodsearch works to raise money for non-profits through donating their ad money back to the charity.  You go to the site, select your charity of choice, and then do your search.
They offer tons of quality national charities that you can choose from.  You can look for local charities.  Or you can have the money donated to your school (why I’m highlighting it) after you do some work to get it set up.  The previous school I worked at was a charter school.  Because each charter school is its own entity, it was easy to get set up.  Larger school corporations will likely need to be set up by the central office with the money going straight to them.
You can register for the site and track your usage, and your charity’s earnings.  It is not a requirement though.  At my previous school, through some advertising, and by using the other Good sites that they offer, we were raising over $20 a month.  While that’s not a ton of money, it is significant enough to purchase some much needed supplies, especially because it’s no added work no anyone- just a different site to use.
You can show the kids how to use it and how to get to it, and then they can just make the simple switch.  One big plus is that once it’s used a couple times, it tends to show up automatically in the address bar as you start typing “goo” and it shows up before Google since it’s alphabetical.
I love using Goodsearch as an easy way to give back, and I also like instilling that with my kiddos.  My kids don’t come from much and tend to think there’s nothing they can do to help others.  This is an easy way that they can.

Click the image above to go to all of my other Wednesday Website posts.


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