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Getting Started with the Science of Reading: Effective Vocabulary instruction is written in text on the left. On the right is a child holding a ring with a set of cards. The word "Abrupt" is displayed on the shown card.

Vocabulary Instruction & Teaching Strategies – Getting Started with SoR

Vocabulary is a significant predictor of overall reading comprehension and student performance, even as young as kindergarten. Vocabulary instruction often has taken a backseat to phonics/decoding or comprehension. But, it is an important component of literacy and should have its place in our classrooms. A lot of our students’ word knowledge and vocabulary is learned without our explicit instruction. They’re learned implicitly through incidental learning. They learn words from oral language, media, and reading and

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Getting started with the Science of Reading: The 3 Tiers of Vocabulary on the left. On the right is a colorful triangle divided into 3 areas labeled tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3 from bottom to top.

The 3 Tiers Of Vocabulary: Choosing Words for Instruction – Getting Started with SoR

Vocabulary is the knowledge of words and the meaning of those words. There is a strong connection between vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension. You have to understand the words you’re reading, in order to understand the text as a whole. The words we teach our students explicitly is based on the 3 tiers of vocabulary. But, a lot of our students’ word knowledge and vocabulary is learned without our explicit instruction; it’s learned implicitly. They

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Oral Reading Fluency: Getting Started with SoR

Reading fluency is efficient and effective reading of a text that supports a reader in constructing meaning. It’s displayed through accurate, rapid, and expressive oral reading. Comprehension is the end goal of our reading instruction. But in order to get there, reading cannot be disfluent. If the cognitive load is focused on decoding, there’s not much remaining for building a deep understanding of a text. Or, if expression and phrasing don’t match the syntax, it

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Text reads "Getting Started with the Science of Reading: What is Structured Literacy" on the left with a tray with colored letter tiles on the right.

What is Structured Literacy? Getting Started with SoR

Structured literacy is what’s at the forefront of elementary education topics right now. There’s been a growing push for improving our reading instruction and results for students, especially those with dyslexia and other reading challenges. The focus has been on ensuring all children learn to read. My post discussing the need for phonics instruction dives into this topic more. Structured literacy has many of the same components of other literacy programs, but the shift is

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5 encoding ideas for building spelling skills text beside an image of writing the two syllable word "upset" on dry erase index cards.

5 Encoding Ideas to Practice Phonics and Build Spelling Skills

For some students, depending on their phase of reading development, and each student’s unique characteristics, it can take a long time before a word is orthographically mapped and stored in their long-term memory. To support orthographic mapping, students need many exposures and repetitions with words to build the needed connections for automatic word reading and writing. I firmly believe in building students’ long term word identification skills with a focus on encoding, or writing the words.

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